About School

North Delhi Public School
North Delhi Public School, Shalimar Bagh was the brain child of the Chairman Mr. J.K. Kesar. It was established in the year 1985 with an aim to provide Excellence in Education and ‘All round Development’.
North Delhi Public School received recognition in the year 1988. It was 2001 when the school was upgraded to senior secondary and also got affiliated by CBSE.
The school philosophy is based on a set of strongly held beliefs which is put into action everyday by every member of the institution. It’s a philosophy of treating each child in a sensitive manner and providing appropriate developmental progammes so as to encourage not just learning but also the love of learning. It is also based on providing an environment that is safe, clean, healthy and child-oriented. An environment where classrooms are arranged in a manner that it offers challenging play and learning choices at a range of developmental levels. Activity areas are designed where children are allowed to explore, experience, and most importantly, succeed.
Our Mission
To inculcate sensitivity, empathy, efficiency and intelligence in our young learners. To evolve an environmentally and socially pristine World through a well devised curriculum, excellent infrastructure, innovative teaching learning practices with an entrepreneurial dimension.
Our Vision
To build a glorious nation replete with job-creating visionary leaders. The school is for the education seekers irrespective of caste, creed and gender. Our school is for the integrated development of the child and will remain focused for the masses. We will strive for the stress-free open environment for the students as well as for the members of the staff.